Legal Notice

Linde Advanced Material Technologies, Inc., its wholly-owned and affiliated companies ("Linde AMT" or “Linde”) are providing the information either in or accessible through this site ("Materials") as a service to customers, vendors, suppliers, shareholders, and other interested parties for informational purposes only. Copies may be downloaded only subject to the provisions below. By either accessing this site or downloading Materials from it, User agrees to be bound by all the terms of this Agreement; should User not agree, do not access the site or download Materials from it.

"User" means an individual user whether or not issued a separate and discrete user ID by completing any registration process. While Linde AMT Inc. and its wholly-owned and affiliated companies may have their own separate identities, we sometimes refer to Linde companies in general by using "Linde", "Our", "We", or "Us" (or where no compelling purpose is served by identifying any particular Linde company).

Ownership of Materials

Linde and/or its affiliates own, reserve and retain all proprietary rights, including copyrights, to this site and its Materials; they are protected from copying or distribution under national and international copyright laws and treaties throughout the world.

Linde is a company name used by Linde plc and its affiliates. The Linde logo, the Linde wordmark, the Linde stylized letter L favicon and all mentioned trademarks (®/™) on this website are trademarks or registered trademarks of Linde plc or its affiliates. Copyright © 2020 Linde plc.

License; Restrictions on Use

User is granted a non-exclusive, nontransferable, limited license to access, download and use Materials for non-commercial internal purposes only, subject to this Agreement. This is a license, not a transfer of title, and User may not, without Linde's express prior written permission: i) modify the Materials or use them for any commercial purpose or any public display, sale or rental; ii) remove any copyright or other proprietary notices
from the Materials; or iii) sell or transfer the Materials to another. User agrees to prevent any unauthorized copying, distribution or publication of Materials. Linde may terminate this license at any time if User violates any term of this Agreement, upon which User will immediately destroy any Materials in its possession or control. User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Linde from any damages, losses, costs or expenses which Linde, its employees and authorized representatives may incur as a result of User's use or dissemination of any Material in violation of this Agreement.


Users who access a link on this site to any site operated by a third party do so entirely at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. Linde is not responsible for the content of any third-party site and does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to any link or content on linked sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising therefrom. Users may not create any frames at any other sites pertaining to any of the content located at

This site has been specifically designed by Linde and its unique appearance is protected by applicable laws. Users may not display any link to this site in such a manner so as to give the viewer the impression that Linde is responsible for, authorizes, or sponsors the content on User's site or a third party's site, and may not link to this site from any site containing inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful content or information that violates any applicable federal, state, or local laws or any intellectual property, proprietary, privacy or publicity rights. Linde reserves the right to terminate any link to or any portion of Linde- at any time. 

User Uploaded Material

In the event that the capability for User to enter information and/or materials into the site pages is provided in the future, Linde shall have the right to use any such materials which may be so entered in any of Linde's print or electronic publications. User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Linde from any damages, losses, costs or expenses which Linde, its employees and authorized representatives may incur as a result of material which User may upload into this site.

Forward-Looking Statements

Any forward-looking statements contained in this site concerning projected operating costs, operating profit, demand for products and services, net income after taxes and earnings per share involve risks and uncertainties, and are subject to change based on various factors, including the impact of changes in worldwide and national economies, achievement of cost reductions and efficiencies, changes in foreign currencies, changes in interest rates, the continued timely development and acceptance of new products and processes, the impact of competitive products and pricing, future mergers and acquisitions (including any related charges, transactions costs and operational risks), risks associated with foreign operations, litigation, the impact of tax and other legislation and regulation in the jurisdictions in which the company operates, and other risk factors listed from time to time in Linde's SEC reports.

Other Limitations on Liability

Although we have tried to ensure that all Materials are complete and correct, Linde does not guarantee or warranty their completeness or accuracy, or results to be obtained from using them or this site, for any purpose. 

Materials and any products they describe are offered for technically qualified personnel at their discretion and risk, without warranty of any kind. Linde does not assume responsibility for any injury or damage which may result directly or indirectly from the use of Materials or products they describe.

Linde makes no warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to this site, Materials, or products described in them, which are provided on an "as is basis"; any use of them is at User's sole risk. Under no circumstances shall Linde be liable to User or to anyone else for any indirect, consequential, special, or punitive or exemplary damages (including, but not limited to, loss of profits) arising from the use of this site, Materials or products described in them.

User is solely responsible for any communications lines and equipment and software utilized in connection with its access to this site.


User agrees that if a court of competent jurisdiction finds any part of this Agreement void or unenforceable, the rest of it should be enforced and the court should use its authority to amend it in order to fulfill the stated purposes of this Agreement to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Applicable Laws

This site is operated by Linde from within the United States of America. Linde makes no representation that the Materials are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to them from territories where their contents are illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to access this site from other locations do so at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. User may not use or transfer the Materials in violation of US export or other law and regulations. Any claim relating to the Materials shall be governed by the Law of the State of Delaware.